I like to give the cat toys at watch her go nuts.Cat vs. SealIntroducing Heinrich the Seal as today’s entertainment!Cupcake the Cat

And as always, Cupcake the Cat.

Cat vs. Seal

They face off.

Cat vs. Seal

Heinrich decides to get cocky and see how close he can get to Cupcake before she snaps.

Cat vs. Seal

Pretty close indeed but based on that evil eye she’s giving him, she’s about to show him who’s the Queen of the apartment and I’m pretty sure it’s not him.


The Seal is going down.

Cat vs. Seal

A claw to the face has got to hurt!

Cat vs. Seal

This isn’t looking good for Heinrich.

Cat vs. Seal

Oh shit.

Cat vs. Seal

Look at the frenzy!

Cupcake wins this round!

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