Fibre Crafts

OMG! I’ve finally finished a blanket.

I’ve tried to crochet a couple of blankets in the past but I’ve never been able to sit down long enough to finish one. There are a few partially finished blankets in my apartment at the moment and I know that there have been others that I have had to get rid of for some […] Read more…

Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!

Yay to getting off work early! It gave me a time to stop by th fabric store to pick up some new prints. I don’t actually have a use for them or a project lined up but the few things I picked up gave me some ideas of projects for later on. Most will probably […] Read more…

Epic Fail!

I finished off the felted bag today and sadly, it did not turn out as well as I was hoping. The only reason being is that one of the grey yarns that I was using, did not felt to the same degree as the rest of the yarns so the bag doesn’t have the same […] Read more…

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