Finished up the felted beads project late last night. They may a nice quick project when you’re looking for a little instant gratification of finishing a project. Once the beads were felted and dry, I simply strung them on some bead thread with some seed beads and shell beads that I had from an upcycled […] Read more…
Fibre Crafts
OMG! I’ve finally finished a blanket.
I’ve tried to crochet a couple of blankets in the past but I’ve never been able to sit down long enough to finish one. There are a few partially finished blankets in my apartment at the moment and I know that there have been others that I have had to get rid of for some […] Read more…
Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!
Yay to getting off work early! It gave me a time to stop by th fabric store to pick up some new prints. I don’t actually have a use for them or a project lined up but the few things I picked up gave me some ideas of projects for later on. Most will probably […] Read more…
My felted bag experiment finally worked! Read more…
Merlin & his dragon
My brother works on a cruise ship and all of his belongings have to be able to fit into two suitcases. This can be rather problematic when it comes time to give gifts. What can you get for someone that has no where to keep it? When I asked him what he would like me […] Read more…
Epic Fail!
I finished off the felted bag today and sadly, it did not turn out as well as I was hoping. The only reason being is that one of the grey yarns that I was using, did not felt to the same degree as the rest of the yarns so the bag doesn’t have the same […] Read more…