Today he went seal watching on the English coast!And look! Here’s another! I can’t decide if the seals or Melin is cuter. Tough call. Read more…

Today he went seal watching on the English coast!And look! Here’s another! I can’t decide if the seals or Melin is cuter. Tough call. Read more…
I can’t stop making them. Read more…
I finally got my hands on some noro yarn and boy was I ever excited. It’s all about the colours. The pretty, pretty colours. I started a basic 1 x 1 rib knit scarf switching the balls of yarn every two rows. It’s not done quite yet as I have about 12 other projects I’m […] Read more…
I’m in the process of making a bunch of crocheted fruit for the bowl that sits on my dining room table. Yesterday I tackled a lime. Bonus! Here’s the pattern I made up for it! Lime Amigurumi Pattern 1. 6 sc in ring (6) 2. sc around (6) 3. inc around (12) 4. sc around […] Read more…
3 hats in just over 24 hours. My fingers are numb! Yes, there are dinosaurs in my bathtub. No, there are not any children living here. I just like dinosaurs. Read more…
So I started a hat without a pattern and just sorta went for it. I had to take it apart a few times because it was waaaaay too big. I’m getting more comfortable with making up my own patterns as I go. It feels great! Next time I do it, I’ll do the beak a […] Read more…