So unfortunately I didn’t get to work on anything this weekend. On the other hand, I had a good weekend at my parents place in Greenwood. And that’s including the accident that occurred during a game of catch with my Dad. The following facebook conversation between Lamb and I, will explain.Jennifer – is watching Shaun of the Dead. Rad.

Lamb likes this.

Jennifer – Sadly it is now over.
PS. I got whacked in the head with a baseball today. The stitching on the baseball left an awesome mark on my head.

Lamb – Sometimes you are just like TV. ♥

Awesome, right? And it was in the same spot as my sledding accident earlier this year.

No, this isn’t my sledding accident. It wasn’t captured on film or video and I thank my lucky stars for that because the video/photo would have gone viral by now. Instead the picture is of Brady’s awesome face plant after trying to snowboard down a toboggan on the same day (as my accident). Awesome.

Oh, and I totally came across some of the most awesome polymer clay pieces I have ever seen. Holy bananas. I had posted a couple of pictures on my flickr account earlier this evening and someone commented on one of them. I went to their site and was amaaaaazed by the work that they do. I only hope one day I can get half as good with polymer clay as they do. For real. Check them out. SRLSY.