But in the meantime here’s the first project I’ve done in five weeks. Soon I’ll be back to normal. Read more…
Okay, I’m back. You can all calm down.
It’s been a crazy week and a half. I quit one job, moved into a new apartment and started a new job. Everything has changed. Good news – I heart my new apartment. It’s twice the size of my old place. So far the new job seems alright. I love walking to work. Bad news […] Read more…
And it’s only Saturday!
Today was more productive then usual. Finished off Polo, which was a big hit and I got started on a new polymer clay cane! Last time I went to my parent’s place, my mother suggested that I do a flower cane, so I did. Started with my three main colours Turned them into a skinner […] Read more…
Sometimes you are just like TV.
So unfortunately I didn’t get to work on anything this weekend. On the other hand, I had a good weekend at my parents place in Greenwood. And that’s including the accident that occurred during a game of catch with my Dad. The following facebook conversation between Lamb and I, will explain.Jennifer – is watching Shaun […] Read more…
So I changed my mind once again….
I remade the necklace shortly after last night’s post. I just didn’t like the focal bead and I knew I wasn’t going to wear it if I kept it the way it was. Soooooo….I took it apart and restrung it without the focal bead. Much better. Must go put a zipper on an armoured jacket. […] Read more…
Screw you Victoria Day. I didn’t like you anyway!
Crappy thing about working for an American company in Canada? I have to work Canadian holidays. Bleh. Nothing downtown is open for lunch, the buses run on Sunday schedule and I can’t buy yarn! I’ve been working on a new crocheted amigurumi project based on this little guy (some of you will who he is!) […] Read more…