So today was my last day working for HP. And tonight is my last night sleeping in my apartment. So much has changed in the past week and a half and all I know is by the end of the weekend, I’ll be exhausted. So here’s the story. I’ve been looking at getting a bigger apartment because the one I have right now is just too small for all my stuff. Three years ago, it wasn’t an issue. It was the first time that I had ever lived alone and I had just moved from Calgary so I didn’t have many belongings. But as a packrat, my belongings kept growing and growing and now I keep stumbling into boxes of stuff and furniture every time I turned around. If I wanted to move out, I had to put my three months notice at the end of May. But then I found a larger two bedroom (CRAFT ROOM!!) apartment that was a 15 minute walk from my new job and with my current property management company so I could just transfer over my lease from one building to another. Although it was available immediately, my plan was to move at the end of the month so I had time to pack and what not. But unfortunately my parents were only available this weekend to help me move. So I’m moving. Tomorrow morning. And this was only decided this afternoon. Needless to say, I’m stressed. And tired.
To this
With that said, it’s safe to say that I’ll be offline for a week or so. I’ll be too busy unpacking to make anything and obviously I have yet to contact my internet company to switch my account over to the new place. Wish me luck!